Product Description
You’ve got big boots and you cannot lie. That doesn’t mean you should have to suffer on the job with small, inadequate shoe covers. You deserve shoe covers that were made for a BIG JOB. Shoe covers that work hard and still help you take care of your clients. ShuBee® Original Shoe Covers are made with you in mind. You work in dry, barren lands all day and your work boots get dirty. These Original Shoe Covers are perfect for keeping your parched boots from dirtying up your client’s clean, expensive floors. You're welcome.
ShuBee® Original Shoe Covers are exactly what the name says…our Original shoe cover. Our clients refer to shoe covers in many different ways: Booties, Floor Savers, Boot Covers, ShuBee®s, ShoeBees, disposable shoe covers. We favor “ShuBee®s” of course! But ours do deserve their own name- because they are so different than the cheap shoe covers currently on the market.
Most Floor Savers on the market are made for light applications. ShuBee® saw the need for booties that were more durable. We played with the construction of the booties to be comprised of much thicker material. We saw a huge impact in how long the boot covers lasted. Granted, our shoe covers may cost more than the rest of the cheap booties on the market because of the quality of our boot covers. But even though the cost is higher than the cheap booties, you save on quantity being used because ShuBee® Original Shoe Covers are durable and they will not rip or tear every 15 minutes of wear. But for $0.42 a pair…you can’t beat the impact that wearing shoe covers will make. Wearing booties will be the most inexpensive marketing tool you can use in your business with the biggest visual and financial impact.
Next, we were frustrated with “sized” floor savers. We knew having to order booties for numerous people, all with different sized feet, was frustrating and more expensive for the client. ShuBee® wants you to focus on the job requirements not searching for the right size bootie for every person on your team. We took our thicker floor savers and created a bootie that was big enough to accommodate all sizes by making them big enough to fit up to size 18. Then we made the opening a durable elastic opening that made it easy to get over large boots or gather around the ankle for the smaller shoes.
Lastly, most cheap booties are rolled in bags. Clients were frustrated that once they opened the bag; they didn’t have anything to keep the rest of the floor savers organized. ShuBee® created a dispenser box that holds all the boot covers in one convenient box that you can easily leave a the entry way or take with you and store easily in your home, at your door or in your vehicle.
We took the regular shoe covers we found on the market and made them Original. We changed the thickness, size, make and packaging all to address our client’s needs. You can guarantee you will see the difference in what we offer in comparison to other booties you can find. Let us know if you would like a sample pair to see and we will send some your way at no cost of course. We are certain you will see the difference.